Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Reborn Nazi Movement Under John McCain and Sarah Palin

Within the last several days the McCain campaign has become a Hitler-like Nazi propaganda machine. They have resorted to lies and distortions just like the Hitler propaganda machine did under Goering to incite hatred against Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals. Palin and McCain both incited recent gatherings to shout out "terrorist" and "kill him" in reference to Sen. Obama. Neither McCain nor Palin rebuked their supporters for their hateful responses to their implications that Obama is an"terrorist". How low can the McCain hate machine reach in their desperate attempt to tar and feather Obama? This paranoiac Nazi-like behavior proves, if any more hateful attacks were needed for proof, that a possible McCain-Palin administration could never "reach across the aisles" to achieve partisan solutions to our critical economic and war issues. As a veteran of the Koren war I am totally dismayed how McCain, veteran of the Vietnam war, can completely forget why he served our country. He should have learned that hateful propaganda does nothing for the propagandist, other than deep revulsion. Palin and McCain must immediately stop their Nazi-like propaganda and apologize for the hateful lies that they have already spread. Otherwise, we can only conclude that McCain endorses Nazi tactics and is the leader of the "Reborn McCain-Palin Nazi Movement."

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Join the Human Way

We are threatened by self destruction by wars, indifference, and man made environmental assaults. This pathway is not human! We must all become part of the Human Way path to peace and harmony with nature and and one another. Lets all get on board.