Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shed The Plagues of Bigotry

Hang the white witch! Off with his white head! Kill the Whigger! Where have you heard similar words? George Fox University, a Christian college in Oregon is investigating the hanging in effigy of Barack Obama. The bigots lead the bigots! Stay away from that whigger red neck! Hang him with his whigger lover. We are demeaned by all acts of bigotry. 

The black infantry women who died in combat in Iraq died atop a whigger whose blood and body fluids intermixed as their body parts intermingled and decomposed. Their sexual organs were spewed upon one another as they embraced in violent war-wrought death. Neither recognized the color of each others skin a second before they were blown to bits.

When will the Bigotry Plagues end? Now is the time to see each other as God sees and accepts us. Embrace His view and shed the Plagues of Bigotry forever. 

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Join the Human Way

We are threatened by self destruction by wars, indifference, and man made environmental assaults. This pathway is not human! We must all become part of the Human Way path to peace and harmony with nature and and one another. Lets all get on board.