Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bullets Don't Kill if You Duck

You have undoubtedly been told by some of your associates and friends that "Guns don't kill, people do". Do guns aimed at people propel the bullets by man power? Do bullets shot from guns enter a body by human power? Do bullets entering a body kill by the force of human power? Of course not. Bullets won't kill if you duck. Guns don't kill. The power of bullets is generated by man power. The problem is not restricting the use of guns. The solution to murders is the elimination of humans not guns. There we finally have it right. Next time you see a bullet coming your way duck! Unless that is you are already dead and it that case the bullet can't hurt you.

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Join the Human Way

We are threatened by self destruction by wars, indifference, and man made environmental assaults. This pathway is not human! We must all become part of the Human Way path to peace and harmony with nature and and one another. Lets all get on board.