Thursday, November 6, 2008

Can Energy Conservation Matter? The Coming Renewable Energy Boom.

During the just completed political campaign season the Republican mantra "drill, drill, drill" echoed loudly as their solution to the high oil and gasoline prices. Whenever the notion of conservation was mentioned the Republicans assaulted the obvious with ridicule and defiance. It is their ignorance that shows now. During the last few months we have witnessed the price of oil fall from over $140 to under $65 a barrel and gasoline prices have declined by more than $1.50 per gallon, without an ounce of new oil drilled. Why, you ask? Conservation is the answer. Conservation is not always welcome, and this recent conservation has some negative aspects. The world demand for energy has declined as economic woes have worsened worldwide. The decline in energy demand has resulted in a temporary oil glut, and the market prices have dropped in direct proportion. This is direct evidence that conservation can and will have a very significant effect in the long range as well. But, conservation of fossil fuels on the short term cannot solve our long term energy needs and control prices.

The development and implementation of alternative energy sources and associated new technology will assuredly reduce the demand for fossil fuels to zero. The eventual substitution of innovative energy alternatives based upon renewable sources such as wind, solar, and biological-conversion, and other new technologies have the potential to eliminate demand for all fossil fuels.

An Apollo-type program like that President John Kennedy initiated in the 1960's, stimulated the space race, put our astronauts into space and on the moon, and spawned the technological benefits that created the computer age, is a good example of what is attainable in a relatively short period of time, if we commit ourselves as a country.

President Elect Obama is committed to development and implementation of alternative energy sources. We must support his programs and help create a new era where conservation and elimination of fossil fuel demand will come in the form of renewable energy sources. We will break the chains of fossil fuel dependency while creating a world wide opportunity for environmental harmony and economic growth-- a double win for the USA and the world. We accomplished what was considered impossible once before, and we can do it again. Belief, inspiration, persistence and perspiration will help create a world that provides sufficient living standards for all. Let's all get aboard Obama's train into the future.

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Join the Human Way

We are threatened by self destruction by wars, indifference, and man made environmental assaults. This pathway is not human! We must all become part of the Human Way path to peace and harmony with nature and and one another. Lets all get on board.