Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shed The Plagues of Bigotry

Hang the white witch! Off with his white head! Kill the Whigger! Where have you heard similar words? George Fox University, a Christian college in Oregon is investigating the hanging in effigy of Barack Obama. The bigots lead the bigots! Stay away from that whigger red neck! Hang him with his whigger lover. We are demeaned by all acts of bigotry. 

The black infantry women who died in combat in Iraq died atop a whigger whose blood and body fluids intermixed as their body parts intermingled and decomposed. Their sexual organs were spewed upon one another as they embraced in violent war-wrought death. Neither recognized the color of each others skin a second before they were blown to bits.

When will the Bigotry Plagues end? Now is the time to see each other as God sees and accepts us. Embrace His view and shed the Plagues of Bigotry forever. 

Who Bails US Out John McCain?

Today we await the biggest tax giveaway to private corporations that has ever occurred in any capitalistic country in modern times (other than as war reconstruction). This economic cesspool is the result of nearly three decades of unrestrained deregulation of corporations and financial organizations in the name of progress. The Republican Party has led the charge always advocating less regulation claiming that the benefits would trickle down to the working people in our country. For a short while this sleight of hand seemed to work. But greed begets more greed and the corporate masters saw that more deregulation would be even better. So the next big wave took place as millions of American workers were displaced and lost their jobs in the USA by workers in Mexico, China, Japan, Malaysia, Chile, India, etc. as American Companies moved factories and jobs overseas where regulations were virtually non existent and wages almost the same. Once again the Republicans led the charge and many equally greedy Democrats followed as the mantra of 'Free Trade" was used to justify their betrayal of the American People. 

Deregulation of banks and savings and loans began to take off with John McCain and his followers soon after he became a Senator about 26 years ago. He helped arrange special legislation for Lincoln Savings and Loan and was caught with his hands in the cookie jar. For this he received a slight reprimand and continued to foster and support more deregulation and encouraged shipping jobs over seas where regulations and wages were minimal. To this very date his Presidential Campaign is managed almost exclusively by lobbyists who are beholden to financial and corporate interests. His campaign manager has been continually paid by his own lobbying firm while he has run the McCain campaign. Yet McCain calls himself the "Maverick Reformer". Maverick maybe, since he is an unabashed hip shooter who doesn't seem to know the difference between the BS he slings and the truth. Unless just like a real maverick he is unloading it wherever he goes. 

Let's wake up America. We have been fed so much BS for so long that we are now drowning in it and don't seem to care. How can we consider the election of an admitted Maverick who cares more for the lobbyists and corporate interests while pretending he is a straight shooter. Lets shoot straight John McCain and tell the American people how you are going to bail US out of the mess that you helped get US into. Squish!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Has John McCain Become Detached From Reality?

John McCain once was a level headed individual who, if you disagreed with, you could nonetheless understand where he was coming from. That attribute has disappeared from his character and he seems to be totally detached from reality. 

First he proclaimed that he puts his service to our country above politics and even this election. Then he selects Sarah Palin who has virtually no credentials for his running mate. This is totally contrary to his "service Mantra".

Then he attacks Sen. Obama with bald faced lies and the lies about his lies concerning tax cuts, lipstick on pigs, and proclaims that "our economy is fundamentally strong". This while banks and investment/insurance giants are failing, nearly one million jobs have been lost this year alone, gasoline prices are going sky high even as oil prices decline, and General Petraeus states that the Iraq War cannot be won as John McCain chants "Bomb, Bomb,Iran", threatens Russia, and insists that we cannot leave Iraq until we win the war.

Our country is inflicted with the disease of corporate greed that John McCain has supported during his entire 26 years in the senate. He continuously provided tax breaks for corporation that closed manufacturing plants in the USA only to reopen them in foreign countries where the wages paid were minuscule compared to what was paid to the workers who lost their jobs in the USA. Now John wants us to believe that he has changed his stripes and is a reformer. He must think that we are all stupid and believes that he should never give we suckers an even break.

He deserted his seriously injured first wife and their children and became involved in an adulterous affair with a young model and beer baron heiress who is now his wife. Despite this evil act he cozies up to the Evangelical Christians proclaiming his allegiance to their causes. Does this include John McCain's adherence to the Ten Commandments. His actions prove that his words are hollow.

His decision to make Sarah Palin his VP is perhaps the most detached act that John McCain has made. He perpetually showers himself with accolades about his military and Senate services and extols the importance of his service and experience. Why then did he select a virtually inexperienced VP when the USA is midst the worst economic crisis since the great depression, and we are in the midst of a wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. How can such a person be trusted as the President if John McCain were elected and subsequently was unable to serve because of illness or disability? He knows that the melanoma cancers that inflict him could metastasize at any time and become fatal. Yet he ignores this reality and selects a VP running mate who is totally unqualified and could be one cancer cell away from the Presidency. 

Sarah Palin has further degraded both herself and John McCain by labelling herself as a "hockey mom", a term that is analogous to "soccer mom", (and was code for white, suburban moms),a term that surfaced during George Bush Sr's. campaigns as and was intendedas a way to demean anyone who was not white. Why did Palin not simply state that she is a "top" mom, or a football mom, or a basketball mom as a piece of levity? This is worst than detachment. John McCain is in effect telling all non-white Americans who have served our country and died in wars protecting our country from harm that they are still second class citizens. A new web site,, has surfaced that is supportive of Palin's petty politics. 

John McCain's' actions prove that he is either totally detached from reality and, hence, is unqualified a to be President or that he has become a right-wing ideologue and cannot represent our country despite his laughable claims to be a reformer. In either case he has disqualified himself as our next President.

Join the Human Way

We are threatened by self destruction by wars, indifference, and man made environmental assaults. This pathway is not human! We must all become part of the Human Way path to peace and harmony with nature and and one another. Lets all get on board.