Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Beauty of Nature

As we awake in the early morning we are sometimes greeted by the most remarkable view imaginable. We may view the sunrise slowly emerging from below the distant horizon and casting brilliant orange-red rays through barren trees and glistening off crystalline specks of dazzling snow flakes. This virtually indescribable sight flashes by so quickly that unless we are a the right place at the right moment this gift from nature is like an empty trick or treat bag at Halloween.The child in us suffers a huge disappointment when that occurs, but if we miss the spectacular gift that nature offers as the sun rises we seldom give it a second thought.

Natures gifts are free and available to us wherever we live. Sometimes they require special effort to realize. Sometimes we must make an effort to invite them into our lives. But they are always beckoning us and awaiting our appreciation and awe.

Nature's gifts are given with only one simple caveat. We the caretaker's of our planet are asked by nature to really care. We are on Earth to propagate and foster life , but unless we care about the gifts from nature we are bound to destroy them. We have a choice. Live in harmony with nature and be blessed by the gifts bestowed, or disregard our mutually inter and intra-dependent relationships and suffer the consequences of a deteriorating environment and resource wars. We have the choice to embrace and sustain our planets gifts to us for all life or to use them for our self fulfillment and greed.

If we allow our senses to accept the gifts from nature while recognizing and acknowledging our obligation to sustain and share them with all life on the planet Earth then we shall make a huge step forward towards peace and harmony on Earth. May the New Year allow each of us to join nature in harmony and each other in peace.


Craig and Kathy said...

Hey Phil,
We loved your essay on Nature's Gifts....and it would be a very good little essay to accompany some of Kathy's Nature Greeting cards. Could she use it (giving your credit, of course)?

Unknown said...

Hi Craig and Kathy, Thanks and you are welcome to use it in any way you desire. z

Join the Human Way

We are threatened by self destruction by wars, indifference, and man made environmental assaults. This pathway is not human! We must all become part of the Human Way path to peace and harmony with nature and and one another. Lets all get on board.