Saturday, September 29, 2007

Our Purpose on Earth

Here we are folks rotating about in an orbit attached to earth by the mysterious force of gravity and linked to one another by invisible electromagnetic waves that enable us to communicate with unknown millions of other humans. We are collectively but a speck in the galaxy that binds us and are but a micronano speck in the greater universe that we occupy. We are truly an insignificant infinitesimally small part of an incomprehensible universe. Yet we partake in this thing called life and believe that our HUMAN WAY is the only way. This Human Way has led our amoebic colony on Earth to near devastation and imminent self annihilation. We are destroying our life sustaining environment, we kill each other in virtually perpetual wars, we fester in blood letting genocide, and we allow those in power to rule with disdain for those under their yokes of power. As we humans proliferate, and new born humans enter the universe, these innocent babes become ensnared in the cauldron of devastation and self annihilation that characterizes our present occupancy of Earth. Are devastation and self annihilation our purpose on Earth? If so why breed more? If not, and I think not, what must we do to alter our pathway?

Let us have a discourse on the right Human Way to create a noble and meaningful purpose for our moments on Earth. We represent an invisible nano speck in the universe and yet the turmoil that we create for ourselves degrades the purpose for human existence, and the very reason for life. Are we truly thinking animals or are we but puppets driven by puppet masters who believe that their dominance over we puppets is their rightful purpose on Earth?

Let us all stand back and view our actions or inactions as if we are spectators in space. Are we proud of our actions? Are we a part of the guiding light of our universe that has brought life to our nano speck of matter called Earth, or are we indifferent momentary blips on our planetary trip destined for self destruction?

If we consider life is precious and truly believe that man wrought annihilation and destruction is wrong it becomes imperative to change the pathway to the true and enlightened Human Way. Let us embark on this journey this very moment.

Lets us establish the true Human Way for all the occupants of planet Earth. Become a force for goodness on earth and work for brotherhood, love, benevolence, peace, and humanity so that the seeds spread from our planet may help generate a Human Way that tells our creator that we are grateful for our mysterious journey and will always demonstrate our gratitude by taking actions that acknowledges the goodness we have received and thereby alters our Human Way on a path to peace and harmony with nature and one another.

Join the Human Way

We are threatened by self destruction by wars, indifference, and man made environmental assaults. This pathway is not human! We must all become part of the Human Way path to peace and harmony with nature and and one another. Lets all get on board.