We are exposed to vociferous proclamations by politicians of differing allegiances. Political posturing is common when a particular politician attempts to garner votes or praise by opposing the contrary party or advocating there own position. The words and body language employed are selected for the occasion and consistency is inconsequential. Getting re-elected is all important. If principle was predominate then we all would be treated to a real discourse based upon what is in the interest of all our people. Unfortunately, self-interest and lobbyists interests generally dominates and the people's needs and interests are relegated to inferior status that is undeserving of intelligent and meaningful consideration by those we elect to represent us. Politicians are indeed a different slice of humanity carved out of ideological stone that defies reshaping or empathy with the citizens that they represent.
The above comments do not apply to all politicians. There are a few very dedicated political servants who truly consider the needs of the people first and political ideology last. These few are recognized by there willingness to buck the overwhelming dominance of their party leaders and speak out independently for the people. Senator Feingold, WI and Sen. Sanders, VT, and Sen. Snowe, ME are three such individuals. They are Senators of courage and principle who deserve more attention and broader following. Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, is another politician who deserves plaudits for representing the interests of her constituents even when her party disagrees. These and a handful of others in Congress are part of the group of humanitarian-politicians who must be heard and listened to by all of us.
Their voices echo the true meaning of government and our Constitution, "government for, by, and of the people". Unless the majority of elected politicians adhere to this basic purpose of governance we will continue to be swept along by self-interest and inhumanity.
Your support of the humanitarian legislators is essential to create a country where the typical citizen is recognized as the bulwark of our democratic system. Only then can humanity prevail, and our country truly be guided by the Preamble to our Constitution as enunciated by our humanitarian ancestors who wrote these word on September 17, 1787: " WE, THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, IN ORDER TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION, ESTABLISH JUSTICE, INSURE DOMESTIC TRANQUILITY, PROVIDE FOR THE COMMON DEFENSE, PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE, AND SECURE THE BLESSINGS OF LIBERTY TO OURSELVES AND OUR POSTERITY, DO ORDER AND ESTABLISH THIS CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".
One of the most noteworthy and seldom emphasized part of our Constitution is the absence of the singular word, "I". Our Constitution is for "WE", and that means all Americans and all humanity that we hope to influence by our deeds and actions. Humanitarian Politicians are required to accomplish this. Seek them out and support them for the sake of our country and the world.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Humanitarian Politicians--Rare but Necessary
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wars of Choice
While addressing the Islamic peoples world wide from Egypt a few days ago, President Obama referred to the war in Iraq as a "war of choice". Sanctioned by our Congress and the UN the war indeed was a war of choice. The Choice was made by our country and the Bush-Cheney administration based upon lies and bad intelligence. However, whether based upon lies or not, all wars are wars of choice. Wars do not just happen as do natural calamities, they are man made and started by deliberate aggressive actions of humans who happen to be in leadership positions.
The concept of a righteous or good war is delusional. No war is good or righteous although it may become necessary to defeat a greater evil. WW II was the latter. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and many other war locations since the conclusion of WW II were all wars of choice based upon delusional or false claims by so-called leaders.
The choice to start war is often one-sided and the act inflames the other side to respond similarly. Once ignited wars seldom come to an end on their own. One side or the other choses to give up or both sides agree to a cease fire.The leaders of warring countries or groups make these decisions sometimes pressured by the people to do so.
Wars have infected humankind since ancient times and seem to be the most common way to achieve an objective that leaders favor. Leaders of groups or countries are able to mobilize people who do the fighting and killing so that their objectives are attained.Every war and response to attack is the result of deliberate, although often maladjusted, thought processes. Random thought will not start war. Only deliberate thought and action leads to war and always by choice of the leader or leadership group.
President Obama attempted to erase his futile opposition to our country starting the Iraq war by referring to it as a war of choice. Although, it was not his choice and he consistently opposed it, the consequences are in his hands. It is his war to end as he has promised. However, as the leader of our country, the choice to go to war in the future is in his hands, and that will always be a CHOICE.
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6:54 AM