When we vote for someone to represent us in any government body we believe that the individual is at least as intelligent as we. Why would we want to vote for someone who is less intelligent? When we vote we also expect that the individual we select will be as wise as we, otherwise why would we select the individual? Whomever we decide to vote for should be more informed as we on matters that are relevant. Should we ever ever vote for someone who is less informed? When we vote for someone we expect that individual to honor all laws and the U.S. Constitution. Would you do otherwise? When we vote we expect the individual we select to represent all of the people and lead with objective analysis and vision based upon their intelligence and wisdom. Otherwise we could vote for anyone regardless of their leadership qualities and honesty. Would you? We expect that the individuals that we vote for are better educated than we and have the intelligence to apply their knowledge to wisely guide and benefit the people. Otherwise we would become leaderless, or be led into chaos. Would you want "that"? Have we had "that"? Will we prevent that from happening again?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Requisites for One Country, With Liberty, and Justice for All
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8:34 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Vote For Your Grand Children and Children--Vote for Obama
Last nights debate clearly demonstrated clear differences between Sen. Obama and McCain and their respective party's policies. McCain and the Republicans represent avid partisanship, and McCain never acknowledged any common ground with Senator Obama. Obama clearly reaches out to find common ground, and will if he becomes our next president. McCain persistently attacked Obama with fearful associative connections, some beginning when Obama was 8 years old. McCain somehow felt that Obama was nonetheless coddling "terrorists" when he was on an educational board with "his childhood terrorist by association" that actually was bipartisan, and organized by a life long Republican. McCain's aggressive attacks on the "Ayer's fairy tale" clearly shows that McCain is not able or interested in dealing truthfully with the issues, and would be reluctant to consider any compromises. Obama clearly demonstrated that although he has clear policies and goals for our country he will be open to bipartisan compromise for the sake of our country. McCain's angry attitude and unwillingness to acknowledge Sen. Obama as another human being , let alone a fellow Senator in the highest legislative body in the U.S., portrays a man whose ego is so great that neither Obama or anyone else is his equal, and is instead considered by McCain as an inferior human.
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5:19 AM
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Importance of the Liberal Mind in the Quest for Progress and Peace
Petrification is a phenomena that occurs when organic material slowly become rock or mineral in consistency. The current presidential election suggest that the same process occurs in voters as we age. We tend to become frozen in time and more rock-like in consistency. Notably, this seems to occur in our grey matter in our brains. We often accept deception for truth and the past as irrevocable. A recent survey by The Annenberg Center for Public Policy stated the following. " Young adults 18 to 29 years of age are more likely to describe themselves as liberal in comparison to other age groups, according to recent data collected by the Annenberg Public Policy Center’s National Annenberg Election Survey. Thirty-four percent of 18- to 29-year-olds called themselves “liberal” or “very liberal,” while only 27 percent of 30- to 44-year-olds, 25 percent of 45- to 64-year-olds, and 18 percent of those 65 years and older described themselves the same way." The word "liberal" can be interpreted differently depending upon your slant. However, generally the word connotes a leaning toward contemporary thought and action as opposed to dogma.
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7:37 AM
Labels: liberal mind age youth Annenberg progress petification
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Reborn Nazi Movement Under John McCain and Sarah Palin
Within the last several days the McCain campaign has become a Hitler-like Nazi propaganda machine. They have resorted to lies and distortions just like the Hitler propaganda machine did under Goering to incite hatred against Jews, gypsies, and homosexuals. Palin and McCain both incited recent gatherings to shout out "terrorist" and "kill him" in reference to Sen. Obama. Neither McCain nor Palin rebuked their supporters for their hateful responses to their implications that Obama is an"terrorist". How low can the McCain hate machine reach in their desperate attempt to tar and feather Obama? This paranoiac Nazi-like behavior proves, if any more hateful attacks were needed for proof, that a possible McCain-Palin administration could never "reach across the aisles" to achieve partisan solutions to our critical economic and war issues. As a veteran of the Koren war I am totally dismayed how McCain, veteran of the Vietnam war, can completely forget why he served our country. He should have learned that hateful propaganda does nothing for the propagandist, other than deep revulsion. Palin and McCain must immediately stop their Nazi-like propaganda and apologize for the hateful lies that they have already spread. Otherwise, we can only conclude that McCain endorses Nazi tactics and is the leader of the "Reborn McCain-Palin Nazi Movement."
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5:16 PM